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Rolex Replica Watches is a living legend. With six honorary degrees to add to the post-graduation in product and automotive design he earned, and innumerable awards for designing some of the fastest and most beautiful automobiles in the world, he has made his mark in his lifetime. Revolution asks Rolex Replica Watches about his journey to date and what's to come.

At the age of 3, you knew that you wanted to be a car designer. How did you make your dream a reality?

The focus became so intense that it became less distracting and less important.Rolex Replica Watches I never was very good at football, cricket or rugby. At 18, I realized that I could only draw and paint cars. I had a fixation on them. That was the hardest part.

In those days, science and art did not mix. Industrial design was a new discipline in the UK when I was 17. Glasgow School of Art is one of the best places to study. I spent some wonderful times there. When I heard about the fire that occurred there recently, I had to hold back my tears. It broke my heart.

Rolex Replica Watches is Jaguar's Director of Design

After Glasgow, I wanted to specialize in car design.Richard Mille Replica Watches But there were only two courses available in the world: one in London and another in LA. Wayne Cherry, the head of Vauxhall Design who is now a close friend, endorsed my desire to study in LA, but the grant from my local education authority would not cover the cost. Ford sponsored me to attend the Royal College of Art, London.

What was it like to study at the RCA?

Hyde Park was in my backyard - I had a great time. Glasgow was a lot of work. I had to prove my worth and pulled countless all-nighters in order to complete projects. Royal College was a place for socializing and we had the freedom to explore our design. Ford sponsored me and I drove to Essex to work during the holidays in my Mini. I was able to gain a real understanding of the way that the design studio worked.

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