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What is the cost of a blue car wrap?

Blue Car Wrap

What is the cost of Blue Car Wrap?

With the increasing demand for personalized cars, car film, as a popular way of car beauty, is becoming more and more popular among car owners. Among them, Blue Car Wrap has become the first choice of many car owners with its unique color and texture. So, what is the cost of Blue Car Wrap? This article will discuss this in detail.

Types and prices of Blue Car Wraps

The price of Blue Car Wrap varies depending on many factors such as material, quality, brand and market supply. Generally speaking, the common Blue Car Wraps on the market mainly include PVC material, PET material and more advanced special materials (such as self-repairing, color change, etc.).Vinyl Car Wrap Shop

PVC material blue film

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) material blue film is a more common one in the market, and the price is relatively affordable. This film has the characteristics of waterproof, scratch-resistant, easy to apply, but the durability may be slightly inferior to other high-end materials. The price of PVC material blue film generally ranges from 100 yuan to 300 yuan per roll, and the specific price needs to be determined according to factors such as the thickness, width and brand of the film.

PET blue film

The blue film made of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) has higher wear resistance, weather resistance and UV resistance, and its glossiness and color saturation are also higher. The price of this material is higher than that of PVC, but it is often more cost-effective in long-term use. The price of PET blue film generally ranges from 200 yuan to 500 yuan per roll, and the price of high-end brands or special-function PET films may be higher.

Special material blue film

In addition to the common PVC and PET materials, there are some blue films on the market that use special technologies, such as self-repairing films and color-changing films. These films not only have the functions of conventional films, but also have some unique properties, such as automatic repair of minor scratches, color changes with light or temperature, etc. The price of these special material blue films is generally high, and the price per roll may be more than 500 yuan, or even

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